Through Hir Eyes

Gender. It's an immutable fact of life. Or is it? Hir, a pronoun/adjective somewhere between "his" and "her", negates the gender binary set up by the English language. How do we deal with this binary, interacting with gender politics and gender exclusion and inclusion? The answer: Postmodernist and Third Wave Feminist theory.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Gender. It's in immutable fact of life. Or is it?

As Third Wave Feminism and Postmodernism is building its place in society, the realization that gender and sex might simply be a social construct, something created for humans, by humans, and integrated into culture. Gender is the first question that we ask when a baby is born - "is it a boy or girl?" Why is it that important to us?

This page is going to:
  • Deal with issues surrounding gender and its close companions, sex and sexuality.
  • Interact with recent mainstream (and underground) news relating to gender issues.
  • Construct arguements about the very nature of gender, using current theory as well as history as a guide.


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